
Sunday, October 31, 2004

:: oh stylishness and ahbengs ::

correct me if i am wrong, jeans that are worn alot are more stylish than brand new jeans right? like everyone likes the worn, faded jeans that are creased and aged and stuff, and nobody likes new ones? well theres one thing i noticed about ahbengs- they always, always, have super shiny (black/silver/gray) jeans, like they were brand new..it's like they buy a new pair everytime they wear one for a couple of times or something..you never see them in faded (cool better looking) jeans..why is that? don't they dress up to be cool anyways?

man, as if the slippers go along as well..hahaha

on another note, i recently noticed that there are alot of kids wearing glasses with the lens thickness like 10 times the thickness of mine..i mean, what the hell is that? kids these days are getting spoilt! firstly it's because they watch too much tv, i remember, i used to get whacked when i watched tv after 5.30pm as a kid! 5.30 was my bed time, and i remember getting ready to sleep by 5.20..and i remember, they used to show the X-men cartoon everyday at 5.30pm on channel tv1..like wtf! i wasn't allowed to watch cartoons and i was supposed to sleep for 13 and a half hours..every weekday! what fucking nonsense is that! i remember someone telling me 'you never got to see the moon as a kid!' and started laughing at me.. :( hahahaha anyways, now i hardly sleep for more than 7 hours and i'm complaining..damn! secondly these kids can get glasses! i mean, imagine, a kindergarten kid walking around with coca cola bottle length lenses! like wtf! i remember, back in primary 5, when i first realised i needed to wear glasses, my mum wouldn't believe me! she thought i just wanted to look 'cool' (in her eyes wearing glasses was cool or something)- i would say nerdy cos nerdy kids only wore glasses..but hell no! i didn't want glasses! so she gave me a reading test at home, she held my text book about half a metre away and asked me to read the big words, and so i did, then she held it about a metre away and then i had trouble reading some of the words, i think i remember her saying 'don't pretend you can't read!' or something along those lines..shit, like wtf?! why would i lie to wear glasses?!?! man! even my mum didn't trust me! hahaha
fine i'm just sore these kids got glasses way before me.hahaha

no seriously, kids today are getting worse eyesight than your grandma..we should do the world a favor and poke out their eyes (i know seng yip would love to.. LOL)..nevermind

posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 10:13 PM


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