
Thursday, December 16, 2004

:: my oh my, what a beautiful post! :P ::

i just came up with this from the top of my head
in fact i am thinking of what to write as i am typing now

it's that time of the year again! the day where everybody feels special and significant on that special day! when suddenly people you never really knew start talking to you (maybe in hopes of getting an invitation to a secret party you've been planning?) and everyone's nicer to you, just for one day, you feel really special

your phone rings throughout the night, with all these people dialing in, trying to get through as though Hitz.fm were giving out free tickets to a Westlife concert

your phone beeps non-stop with short messages flooding your inbox, with the same cheery message repeated in every single one of them

you get unexpected cards in the mail from some of them
even sometimes you get e-cards

you read other people's blogs, and they dedicate the day to you!

when you were younger, you got loads of toys and other things which you've always wanted but never got to buy because you couldn't afford them and your parents didn't seem to either!

the change could get you into clubs, and the legal age to smoke cigarettes, or could turn you from a teenager into an adult

are you supposed to change with it? or do you remain the same?
people see you differently
they treat you differently
just because of some numerical denomination that's placed over your forehead each time you tell them

oh you're too young for that!
oh you're too old for that!

but then again, it's just another day in the year
why should it be any different from the rest of the year?

i wonder what if there was no such thing as a calendar or any method to measure the days that have passed
would we be ageing then? how would we determine someone was older than another? or maturity? or censorship of adult content? what would define an adult?

well whatever day of the year it is, it's supposed to be special
you might share the day with someone you know
maybe even a celebrity
or a significant in history
or even a public holiday

Happy Birthday to all you December 17th kids out there! (that includes you George :P)

posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 10:44 PM


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