:: the one hour break up ::
i've read and heard quite alot about this phenomenom (well not really :p) but anyways, what is this one hour break up all about? are there rules? is there a purpose? a point?
'let's break up'
'no! honey! please! no!'
'i'm sorry, it has to be done'
'im sorry about earlier..'
'its okay! i forgive you! i love you so much!'
'i love you too'
sometimes couples decide to breakup, and then get back together (from one hour to a few days later, it depends really), and it happens regularly! i mean, is there a point? what's the use of breaking up if you're getting back together again? i really don't understand :P
and when you break up, doesn't it reset your relationship when you get back together?
"hey! how long have you been together with her?"
"oh, about 2 years"
"but i thought you told me you broke up with your girl friend when i met you last month!"
"yah, but we got back together!"
so i guess it doesn't reset the relationship..then what's the point?
i mean breaking up for like one hour (or a few days) is like urm having a nap? or going for a movie with your friends? or going away for the weekend?
does it do anything for a relationship? the only thing i know it does is bring misery for the few days while it lasts?
like how i heard that its always the first few days/weeks/months of a relationship, everything kicks ass, its only after that you start to realise the shit you didn't notice :P so if you get back together, shouldn't it reset the relationship to the beginning? if that's the case, then I see a point, but if not, what's the point??
which brings me to another topic: trial separation! another great idea invented by I dont know who! is there a point to it?! what's the point of pretending to break up?? or breaking up when you know you'll be together again in the end?
i think it's just an easier way of telling your partner "i've been cheating on you"! really, i think it's bad news if you hear it.. imagine if your partner gets a new partner while on trial separation! Loser! ROFL
i mean i would've seen it coming, i would be 'if you want to date someone else just say so, i never really liked you anyway' HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
okay no i wouldn't say that, but yeah, you couples out there..you shouldn't break up for an hour..it's just a stupid thing to do..and if your partner suggests a 'trial separation' he/she is cheating on you, and you should just end it anyway :P
wow! that was great advice from love doctor, George!
'is it just me or is it fun to make fun of people in relationships?'
'no george you're just sore'
posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 8:33 PM
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