so the other day, my enemy sent me an sms, telling me not to go after this girl, who screwed him over.
before i go on, i'll write more about him. he was my so called 'heng-tai' (blood brother)- don't ask me why, he suggested it awhile ago, I didn't say anything. well anyways, we kinda fell out of friendship awhile ago, after he stabbed me in the back (not literally..haha) but I'm glad it see, it was over a girl..yes, it's always cos of a girl..girls just fuck you (and your friends) up, down, all over the place. during my first sem at luct, i had my eye set on this girl, and he told me he had his eye on another girl. he happened to be in the same class as the girl i had a crush on. since he could easily talk to her and see her often, he told me that he'd help me. he'd help me get her. hahaha i actually believed him. well not like i could do anything! he told me that he was gonna get to know her better, so he could tell me what kind of shit she likes, and what i should do to get her, etc.. to cut it short, he fucked up my chances, by telling her i liked her. yea, and i knew it was too soon, and she knew it was too soon, and she just pretty much stayed the fuck away from me. but i didn't give up. i still had my hopes up high like a fool.
anyways, he started going out with her..together in a group of classmates, or with each other alone, i didn't know, but we grew distant. one day i confronted him, and i asked him 'do you like her? tell me the truth' and he told me 'no i don't. i treat her as my sister. you are my brother, i wouldn't do such things to you' i actually believed him!
well time passed, and we fell out of our friendship. i stopped talking to him, and i stopped talking to her- i decided i didn't want to go after her, and i wouldn't be able to get her even if i did.
fast forward to the next semester, i find out from his friends what really happened. he had actually been going after her since the beginning. he never liked the girl he told me he liked. why he didn't want to let me know, i didn't know. anyways, i found out he got screwed by the girl we both liked. read: she USED him, his car, his car, his car, him, and his car. hahahahahahaha when i found out, i was laughing. really. and i was kinda glad that i gave up so easily :p
anyways, after such hindsight, he told me in the sms he sent 'she's not worth it, i tell you, don't go after her man'.
I was thinking, 'what did i do to deserve such information from my enemy?' i hadn't spoken to him in ages, and i didn't even think about trying to fix things up cos i'm such a sore person. why did he even bother? didn't he know i gave up? well, i did all i could do- i laughed.
i never replied him.
and what's with pet brother and sister shit? seriously i don't get it. it's gay! it's something sissies do. and girls. but that's okay, cos well girls get to do stuff guys can't :p ..maybe it was his way of saying, 'you can't date her, it would be bordering on incest'..asshole!
hahaha, I feel a little guilty letting George post all by his lonesome. So here's my contribution.
I got off late from work today. I've gone white collar, for all those of you who don't keep in touch (why don't you anyways, you lazy bastards), and I work 9 to 9. So getting off late means about 930-10ish. I take public transport. To get home I take the MRT, then hop over to the bus. If you want a in depth description of what Singapore public transport is like, I'm sure one of the ED-Sing trip guys will be more than happy to tell you.
So anyways, I'm half asleep, and I'm just standing like a zombie in front of the MRT doors while there's this crowd of pple around me. Suddenly, there's an announcement.
"We apologise, but there have been some technical difficulties with the North South Line towards Jurong East via Woodlands"
The moment I heard this, I wanted to just start screaming. I was tired, I still had clients calling and emailing me so I needed to get back to my PCAnywhere equipped laptop, I wanted to shower, I wanted to hear a sympathetic voice from a girl whose opinions matter, and I just wanted to go home.
Before I could go mental and start killing people with the sawnoff shotgun hidden in my pants, I realised the announcement wasn't quite finished.
"We regret to inform you, due to these technical difficulties, that the train will be delayed by three minutes. We once again apologise for any inconvenience caused."
I've never been so happy or so amazed in my life.
I'm sure if any of you guys living in KL had been there you'd have felt the same.
I can imagine our LRT announcer doing something quite different.
"We regret to inform you the LRT train which was due in an hour ago on platform four has derailed, and paramedics are still attempting to detangle the bodies from the wreckage. No refunds will be given. Screw you for being stupid enough to take anything built by the Malaysian government, and have a crappy day"
Fine, I'm exaggerating. But I could never imagine receiving an apology because my train was late three minutes anywhere else other than Singapore.
i've been wondering- how come i always hear about girl firends being told that they are fat, by their boy friends but not vice versa? don't girls ever tell their boy friends that he's too fat?
does this prove that girsl are less shallow than guys? or is it because fat boys don't get girl friends, which makes girls the shallow ones? ROFL
why would a guy tell his girl friend she was fat anyway? isn't that just a stupid thing to do? (unless your intention was to hurt her so that you'd breakup :P)
apparently couples have broken up just because she was 'too fat'. no wonder almost every girl's on a diet's because of guys like these..
i wonder what it would be like to tell my girlfriend she was fat..
no really, today at lunch with my grandparents, and I realised how lame beggars' excuses were getting!
so we were sitting down, enjoying our meal, when these 2 people walk in- a man and a lady in a wheel chair. they looked pretty clean, and well to do- the man was wearing a long sleeved shirt and long pants, and i think i remembered seeing jewelry on him..but anyways, they went around begging for money, the man was walking from table to table, and begging, while the lady in the wheel chair also wheeled herself around (pretty fast i must add for a person on a wheel chair, and she looked healthy to me) begging from other tables as well.
so anyways, the man came to us, and he said something like:
"Could you please give us some money? Can't you see she's on a wheel chair?"
and he pointed to the woman in the wheelchair.
my dad just said no and shook his head, and the man continued begging..we ignored him and went on with our meal, and soon enough he walked to another table to beg.
Then my dad cracked a joke "my father uses a wheelchair too (which is true, my grandpa needs a wheelchair to get around), so how come he doesn't get money from other people?"
if you've watched adam king since the beginning- from an enigmatic name (who is adam king) to his exploits on the moon, and now his latest pursuits of being a dj- haven't you realised how he is slowly climbing down the ladder of success instead of climbing up?
exactly! the next thing you know, he's going to start selling ice cream on a motorbike!
when the first adam king advert that revealed who he was came out, i remember he was like a famous photographer or something right? photographing poisonous frogs and shit like that- and the tag line, 'somebody's gotta do it'. and then he was buying land on the moon, opening char kuey teow restaurants worldwide, getting the girl (who looks like angelina jolie imho :P) and so on..
things seemed bright for adam king, like he was gonna dominate the world or something, but then, came his latest ad, and it starts off (if i remember correctly) "Forget too far, forget too hard, ready or not, here I go!" and you see adam king being a club dj!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?? You start off being a wildlife photographer, climb the ladders to success, buy land on the moon, get ladies, and now- be a fricking CLUB DJ?? talk about dashing your dreams! and in the next scene, holding shares? ANYONE can do that! you don't need to be Donald Trump to know how to invest in the stock market, neither do you need fact i think alcohol would hamper your thinking abilities and cost you your investments instead! and in the last scene- be captain of the ship- again, nothing as glorious as owning land on the moon!
i'm guessing maybe he got poor after buying land which he couldn't live on or rent to other people..maybe in the next installment, we can catch him selling food in his own mamak stall.. "Somebody's gotta do it" HAHAHA
:: The little boy asked for a branded t-shirt.. ::
How many of you have shirts you wish you didn't own?
How many of you wear thos ugly shirts?
How about favourite shirts?
Who wears their favourite shirts all the time?
I do!
And what about the rest of the clothes? What should we do about them?
I devised a plan to solve such problems- wear a different shirt each day! and mark down the ones you've worn (no not on the shirt, do a list or something), until you've worn every single shirt you have, you can't wear them again!
This will make you wear all your shirts regardless whether you like them or not!
Who knows, you might find a great new combination you never thought possible or even existed in your wardrobe! You might even love your ugly shirts when you find that they aren't so ugly anymore! Or you might realise why you never wear them in the first place!
By using this plan, your shirts won't go to waste! And by doing so you will save kids in need from having ugly donated shirts! haha nobody ever thinks about them! nobody thinks about how ridiculous they'd look in ugly clothing!
Do people ever donate Armani or Versace to the kids? No!