:: 10 minutes.. ::
And so the love-miester (cough) has decided to refocus his posts to what he's known to whine about, getting girls :D
Well today, as I was driving to home, I formulated, in my head, a new technique for picking up girls :D it's unproven, and probably requires alot more fine tuning, but that shall come with your responses!
So you've just met this girl (or guys if you're a girl, or simply if you just prefer guys :P) for the first time, and you've been chatting away with her..things are going smoothly, you find her personality (or tits) attractive, and believe that you might have a future together (possibly fantastic or horrible, i wouldn't know) and you need to keep in touch with her. How do you get her number? How do you pull it off smoothly? and if rejected, or denied, how do you come off cleanly without being shot down like a geek at a supermodel convention? (thanks to Yang for that line :P)
I came up with '10 minutes' with those things in mind. It's pretty simple to execute, and it's possibilities are limitless (that is, if you are really good :P) but I'm assuming you're not (since you're bothering to read this in the first place hehe) and also because I'm not, I'm gonna show you how to get a phone number with it.
You have to be participating in a conversation with the girl whose number you want. Give yourself 20 minutes, and make sure she seems interested, if not, you can still try it, but it probably won't be as successful. After 20 minutes (or when you feel the time is right) just say to her '10 minutes'. She will ask you 'what about 10 minutes?' or 'why 10 minutes?' or 'what's going to happen?' or something along those lines. I mean, seriously, who won't ask? (girls who have read this, george? haha) so that's when you say (make sure you do it confidently, and make sure she gets what you say, you shouldn't be repeating it-)
'10 minutes till you ask me for my phone number'
at this point, she will-
a) dump her drink onto you
or b) laugh aloud and ask you why again
that's when you re-evaluate her- if she resorted to 'a', she doesn't have a sense of humour, and probably never will, and you should move on :p i mean, really, who would want an unfunny girl anyway? or she's just not interested in you.. haha
if she resorted to 'b', it still doesn't mean that she's interested, for all you know she could be thinking 'man this guy is a loser, but i'll play along anyway', but at least she has got a sense of humour (she actually laughed at your line! give yourself a pat on the back!) and she could possibly be interested..at this point, you answer her question ('why?') with:
'Why are you laughing? it's happened everytime with the past few girls I got to know!' Even if it hasn't happened- it puts you up as a funny guy, and someone she could be interested in (cos girls always say they like funny guys, but exactly how funny, it depends).
Now anyways, you've planted the 'seed' in her, and you've sowed it by telling her 10 minutes. And in 10 minutes, you should reap your rewards :P (give it a +/-5 mins cos you might lose track of time if you're having a good time)
The outcomes- a) she doesn't ask for your number or b) she asks for your number
In the case of 'a' you could walk away without any scars or loss of pride, and to her you'd just come off as a funny guy, no harm done to you (unless she tells all her friends about you, which will make you popular- for better or worse, let's hope its the former :P) you could just move on, and try it on another girl.. haha by using this technique, you put her in the position of the one wanting you, not the other way round, so if she does not ask for your number, it would seem like her loss, not yours :P
in the case of 'b' you give her your number, and you're a happy man :p you'd be even happier if she calls you. haha cos she might just take your number, and not call you, and then you're just screwed :P but the best outcome would be she trades numbers with you, and says 'call me' when you leave, or something like that.. haha
Some notes: this won't work if you've been very boring, or you've been talking to her for more than an hour..it's kind of a spontaneous thing to do really, and girls like that kind of stuff :p a man who does things when he wants to, a man in control!
Okay, comment away!
posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 9:21 PM
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