:: I hate being sick. ::
I'm sure that's just stating the obvious, but this is the first time I've been sick for like 2 years. I usually take pretty decent care of myself. So since I'm pretty much coughing out my lungs and so tanked up with medicine I'm almost hallucinating, (almost, not quite), I've kinda remembered what it used to be like.
When I was younger, I used to think being sick wasn't such a bad thing. You could stay at home, get meals brought to you, watch TV while in bed the whole day. It was great. Anything to get out of school.
Now I think back, I realise, when you're sick, if your life's goals amount to anything more than 'Watch TV', being sick seriously cramps your style. I can't play soccer, I can't go to the club in this condition (ciggarrete smoke would kill me right about now), I can't go to class, and that's now changed from being a good thing to a bad thing since I flunk out of my course if I attend too few of the damn things.
I swear, I'm taking better care of myself. If it wasn't that stupid girl's birthday, I wouldn't have shared her drink. I blame her......
posted by Yang @ 7:05 AM
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