
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

:: the aliens die in this one ::

so, me, tj, alvin, andre and ken jae managed to catch War of the worlds before any of you fools out there haha
but don't worry, we're here to help you decide or not whether this movie will be worth catching

war of the worlds review, don't worry, no spoilers, read on!

-tom cruise dies
-his son makes it to boston
-his ex-wife is safe
-he blows up a mothership with some grenades
-the aliens die because they can't adapt to earth's environment
-his daughter doesn't die
-tom cruise doesn't die

awesome movie if not for the end, i'd give it a 7/10
(it would be a 9/10 if you leave the movie 100 minutes into it)

this has been a movie review brought to you by evening drama!

posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 4:22 AM


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