
Saturday, June 25, 2005

:: The genius strikes again! ::

Remember awhile ago I taught you guys the trick to book movie tickets online? well, I've got some new tricks to share for use at cinemas!

You know whenever there's huge movies, they separate the lines for buying tickets? E.g. counters 1-4 other movies, counters 5-6 kung fu hustle (or more recently, intial d only)

the cinema people think that by doing this they can make the lines flow faster, and people who don't want to watch the hot movie don't have to stand in super long lines..and well guess what? it works! you always see the hot movie lines extending all the way to other shops and the 'other movie' lines really short

well guess what- YOU DON'T NEED TO LINE UP IN THE 'HOT MOVIE' LINE to buy tickets for the hot movie! yes folks! this is true! I've done it twice already, and most recently was yesterday for Initial D! hell we even got last row seats! (more on that later)

You just line up in the normal line and purchase your tickets normally..the cashier isn't going look at you weird or ask you to move to the back of the line for cheating, cos it isn't cheating :p damn i'm awesome, and now you guys can be awesome too!

Another great cinema tip from Evening Drama!

posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 3:15 PM


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