
Monday, June 13, 2005

:: stupid aliens on radio ::

the other day there was this advert on radio about recycling, and they used this voice of an alien who sounded like he was dying and he was saying shit like
"Earthlings, I am from another galaxy far away..for thousands of years, Earthlings have been using Earth's resources and burning them etc.." and he keeps repeating shit about pollution and saying 'Earthlings' every 5 seconds.

so I was thinking, wtf? Why the hell do aliens give a shit about our plant anyway? From what I learnt from tv, movies, novels, and comic books, all they wanna do is destroy earth, abduct cows, rape babies, and make crop circles

since when did aliens become tree-hugging pricks?

posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 11:53 PM


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