:: In sickness and in health... ::
I've never believed there's any point whatsoever being upset when you're sick. I mean sure, it feels like crap, you ache everywhere, you feel like you've got glass in your throat, and everytime you cough you just want to rip your lungs out because it'd hurt less. But hey. Nothing's to be done about it. So just lie back, relax, and crawl your way along the road to recovery.
Of course, its a lot more fun when you keep yourself entertained so you have fun even if the flu's getting you down. Here are just two ways, which I myself enjoy.
1. Recover quickly. Just do all those things your mom and your grandma tells you, drink all those herbal whatnots, take your vitamin C, eat that porridge, drink lots of water, rest, and you'll get well pretty fast. BUT, what's more fun to do is to see how many people you can infect on the way back up. I'm not evil enough to intentionally cough or sneeze at people to spread the love, but I dont usually let mild sickness stop me from walking around uni and around the house. My best record so far was an infection rate of about 15. My housemate and I both train together with the Uni team for Taekwondo. He was laughing at me and telling me I should have kept my resistance up. Laughing until he caught my flu. Ha. He then proceeded to pass it to his gf, who also trains with us, and the three of us infected the entire Uni team. Needless to say, the head instructor was pretty upset we were all such a bunch of sissies, until he caught it as well. Nowadays, everytime someone catches the flu, you'll notice us waving garlic and crucifixes at them, and telling them to stay away. If you're laughing, wait till you catch the strain of flu we get down here, and when you're ripping your lungs out and coughing out buckets of thick, yellow phelgm, we'll be waving garlic and crosses at you while laughing too.
2. Demand that your significant other take care of you. I don't know about the rest of the people on this planet, but this is just plain fun. Or at least as fun as it gets when I'm sick, simply coz all other activities are suspended until I get better, both due to the fact that its hard to feel any sort of desire for anything other than my medication, and the fact that there is a horrible tendency for the two of us to start infecting each other for months on end with the same flu one of us started with.
My gf's very nice about it. She doesn't really complain much. But then again, she doesn't have to. She didn't get her nickname of the smiling stabber for nothing. She has promised to put a blunt pencil through my retina should I infect her as well. She comes over and keeps me company while reminding me once in a while to make sure I put her in my will just in case I don't make it. And she cooks me meals that seemed prepared to ensure I don't. But all in all, she's great to have around.
So why shouldn't YOU have fun while you're sick? Go out, get coughed all over, breathe in some of that thick Malaysian haze. At least you've got one less thing to worry about if you're having fun.
posted by Yang @ 11:24 AM
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