:: happy new year! ::
posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 11:58 PM
Friday, December 31, 2004 Wednesday, December 29, 2004 :: Ugly Hairdressers :: i read this in the newspaper today, it went something like "women are willing to spend RM2 on something that they don't need, worth RM5. men are willing to spend RM5 on something that they need, worth RM2" i thought it was pretty true :p but anyways, it's not related to what i'm talking about- That day I was walking around megamall and i saw this girl walking around, with a horrible hair cut, and she had an apron on which said 'A Cut Above' which was some hair dressing place (that probably costs too much for my liking, but what do i know? :p) anyways, it got my thinking- why the hell do these hair stylists, who are supposed to be professionals in their field, have such ugly hair styles??! i mean, let's take Mimi below- she would be a representation of a typical hair stylist with ugly hair- would you trust someone who looked like that to have her way with your hair?? ![]() aren't you afraid you'll end up looking like her?! after all, don't creations take on the looks of their creators? what is about their ugly hair styles that draw people to their shops? is it supposed to be artistic and therefore the uglier their hair, the better they are? then let's take Raj below- he would be a representation of a typical hair barber- he looks fine to me, much better than Mimi above, but less people are willing to go to him for haircuts! why is that so? he doesn't have an ugly hair style- does that mean he's bad at cutting hair? i think not! fine, he doesn't do hair rebonding, coloring etc, but he does hair cuts which alot of people would rather go to Mimi for- why? does cheaper mean worse? i think you're pretty fucked up if you think that it's worth a few hundred ringgit to look like Mimi! look at that diagonal fringe! HAHAHAHAAH ![]() anyways back to the topic of ugly hairdressers- in my opinion they scare customers away, i'm pretty sure if they have good looking hair dressers, they'd be able to attract customers like me and anyone else who thinks alike! if i owned a saloon, id made sure that all my hair dressers were babes and studs, so if people saw them, they'd be like, "Whoa! they're so hot! i wanna get my hair done by them so i'd look hot too!" don't you think i'm right? it's like how women are more likely to buy things from hot men, and men from hot women..somebody should give me money to start my own saloon :p posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 8:32 PM
Tuesday, December 28, 2004 :: the ultimate emo test :: I am going to download and listen to 'Gloomy Sunday' if the rumours and urban legends are true, don't expect a report :p http://www.snopes2.com/music/songs/gloomy.htm http://www.phespirit.info/gloomysunday/ Update! okay so i downloaded a non-english version or something, i didn't understand a word of the song! and the music was really wierd..like synth-rock or something, which reminded me of The Cure's 'Burn'..but the song seemed to be able to convey a mood of depression through the music..will be looking for another version to listen to! if any of you have any suggestions, please let me know! posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 10:20 PM
Friday, December 24, 2004 :: my oh my, what luck! :: do you believe in luck? is there such thing? as for me, i don't..i believe that things happen cos they happen- they were meant to happen that way, and not any other, and there's really no luckiness factor involved in anything i remember back as a kid, i used to believe in all that nonsense, but as i grew older, i realised it didn't matter how many 'good luck' wishes i got from other people, i still sucked in my exams..haha really, the only way i could ever pull my grades up was by studying.. i mean, think of it this way, you don't study a single page of a topic which you're bad at, and you get 1 billion people to wish you 'good luck' before the exam begins, i'm willing to place a wager that you're not getting through with flying colors! and it's the same with good luck charms, lucky numbers, and all that nonsense- i read this somewhere before- they appear to bring luck to you cos you're wearing those charms or using those numbers all the time! so whenever something good happens, you notice that you're using those lucky things..the next hot girl you see isn't gonna walk up to you and ask you for your phone number just because you're wearing your lucky cap, that train isn't gonna miss you when you're walking on the track cos the train's number is your lucky number 5 there's supposed to be randomness in almost everything, but isn't randomness something we're uncertain of? if we knew what those factors were, they wouldn't be random anymore, and so it's just waiting to be discovered when things happen, i guess people just want to be able to blame it on something, "curse my luck!" "i'm so lucky to be picked!" etc so they won't appear so proud or stupid, for example "i'm so lucky! my uncle bought me a car!" "i'm such a spoilt bastard! my uncle bought me a car!" "curse my luck! they gave the hardest questions! i failed again!" "i didn't study enough! i failed again!" which would you like to say and which do you normally hear people say? exactly! but then again, it's just my opinion on the silly things people do (did i hear smoking drugs and clubbing? hahaha) oh and another thing, when i was younger, i was told by a friend (i don't know how true this is) that the word 'luck' was derived from the name 'Lucifer' hrm..that's something to think about posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 1:19 AM
Sunday, December 19, 2004 :: sex sex sex hahahahahaha :: "Are you a virgin?" "Have you ever had sex before?" "Ever popped a cherry?" "Ever hit a home run?" in my opinion, the answers to these questions can greatly affect how you perceive a person though sex is a common topic of conversation nowadays, talking about having sex is much rarer..not many people will admit to have lost their virginity, but many people will wear their 'V' badge with pride i know quite a number of people who've done it already and so now, it doesn't come as a big shock to me anymore.. like i remember the first time i heard from a friend, i think i said 'Whoa shit! how was it?!' or something like that :p in this modern society, are we all bred to be sexually active kids? i guess that pornography and the rest of the global media (movies, tv, magazines etc) has a huge influence on everybody, whether we'd like to admit it or not, our lifestyle is determined by the media.. what's cool to wear? what's good to drink? what's 'in'? and what's 'out'? what's 'hot'? what's 'not'? at least one aspect of your life has been affected or influenced by the rest of the world which brings me back to the topic of sex.. is it necessary in a non-marital relationship? nevermind that you might get married in the future, but would you have it before marriage? for me, i hold beliefs that it should be saved for after marriage due to a few reasons: mainly religion and safety.. i haven't garnered enough information on what sex does for a relationship (having no experiences :p) but i've heard abit from other people: "a relationship isn't complete without sex" "sex drives a relationship" "there's no relationship without sex" we'll keep in mind that all these were said after they have had sex.. what if they didn't have sex? would they consider their relationships incomplete then? but they didn't know about sex till they tried it it's like a kid in pre-school doing basic math- adding and minusing..after he finishes learning everything about math in pre-school, he believes his maths is complete, and there's nothing more to learn, but when he goes to primary school, he starts learning more maths, multiplication and division, and he realises that his maths isn't complete anymore.. i guess you could compare that to sex in a relationship- you don't know if it's complete till you've done everything but i know couples who are happy in their 'sex-free' relationships, and because they disagree with having pre-marital sex, i doubt anything could make them happier bar getting married and spending the rest of their lives together if there was a sexually active couple compared with a sexually inactive couple, who would be a happier couple? considering they are all happy with where they are at the current stage of their relationship i would believe they would be equally happy, just that one of them would be like a kid who just finished learning pre-school math, and the other, a kid who completed primary school math posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 8:36 PM
Friday, December 17, 2004 :: SocialRitualSexyIntoxication :: A cynic isn't always a bad thing to have around. Sometimes, they point out things which actually make you think. Of course, you could always call them wet blankets and assholes. I agree with either above sentence. I had lunch with my housemate yesterday. Being the two sin sodden bastards we both are, we began analysing why its so fun to go to the club. Take me for instance. I never went regularly till sometime the middle of last year. But now, enact prohibition and close the places down, and I'll be right outside picketing the government. What makes it so appealing? I like the exercise. Dancing burns out a hell load of energy. I like the company. Friends get even matier when they've consumed large quantities of alcohol. I like the preening. You're putting on a show and that's pretty damned fun. I like the music. Loud music, when its any good, with large amounts of people makes for dancing obviously. I like the booze. Alcohol is fun. No one should tell you otherwise. And of course, we have members of the opposite sex. Need I say more? That's how I would explain why I go. My housemate is a cynic. This is his explanation. We go because its the one place we can look damned good, show it off and know damned well you won't get sneered at for being arrogant. We go because the significant amount of booze we consume lowers the average level of inhibition in the girls we see there. We go because its the one place you can wink at a girl who's dressed in clothing in holes in all the right (or wrong, if you're prissy) places and get some kind of reaction back. We go because the music and the dancing gives us an excuse to rub ourselves in entirely inappropriate ways against the girls. And do all this basically because we're animals who just have more complex and layered social/mating rituals. It made me laugh, and made me think at the same time. It might sound ridiculous the way he put it, but it was just a less tactful/polite/indirect way of saying what I said. The same night I was drinking and dancing Zouk. I decided half way through my eighth drink, that hell, we're both right, and hell, being right felt damned good. BTW, bappy B'day GeoWongYT. Welcome to 19. Welcome to the last year, of the rest of your teenage life. Make sure its a good oneO_o posted by Yang @ 10:26 AM
Thursday, December 16, 2004 :: my oh my, what a beautiful post! :P :: i just came up with this from the top of my head in fact i am thinking of what to write as i am typing now it's that time of the year again! the day where everybody feels special and significant on that special day! when suddenly people you never really knew start talking to you (maybe in hopes of getting an invitation to a secret party you've been planning?) and everyone's nicer to you, just for one day, you feel really special your phone rings throughout the night, with all these people dialing in, trying to get through as though Hitz.fm were giving out free tickets to a Westlife concert your phone beeps non-stop with short messages flooding your inbox, with the same cheery message repeated in every single one of them you get unexpected cards in the mail from some of them even sometimes you get e-cards you read other people's blogs, and they dedicate the day to you! when you were younger, you got loads of toys and other things which you've always wanted but never got to buy because you couldn't afford them and your parents didn't seem to either! the change could get you into clubs, and the legal age to smoke cigarettes, or could turn you from a teenager into an adult are you supposed to change with it? or do you remain the same? people see you differently they treat you differently just because of some numerical denomination that's placed over your forehead each time you tell them oh you're too young for that! oh you're too old for that! but then again, it's just another day in the year why should it be any different from the rest of the year? i wonder what if there was no such thing as a calendar or any method to measure the days that have passed would we be ageing then? how would we determine someone was older than another? or maturity? or censorship of adult content? what would define an adult? well whatever day of the year it is, it's supposed to be special you might share the day with someone you know maybe even a celebrity or a significant in history or even a public holiday Happy Birthday to all you December 17th kids out there! (that includes you George :P) posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 10:44 PM
Wednesday, December 15, 2004 :: of cancer and a cure :: That day as i was walking out of the lrt station, someone approached me and asked if i would like to learn how i could help cancer patients.. I said 'no' and so they walked off then i was thinking- what if my donation made a difference? to somebody i knew or to me in the future..and just because i didn't give the donation, maybe i could die of cancer in the future? maybe someone i know would die of cancer in the future..all because they needed ten bucks..what if i need ten bucks to save another life in the future? would it come back to haunt me? 'i'm sorry, but we are 10 ringgit short to completely fund our cancer research and so it had to be called off..i'm sorry to say, there is no cure for you george' haha fine, maybe it's not the ten ringgit, but the action of giving something to aid something, just because i didn't give a little bit will i suffer any repercussions in the future? like how people say 'what comes around goes around' remember how i posted about smiling at strangers awhile ago? well i think i'm beginning to reap what i sowed now- i swear i notice more strangers smiling at me nowadays :P i'm guessing in the future, i'm going to be paying a ransom for someone i dearly love, and i'll be short 10 ringgit, and the kidnappers will kill that person, and i shall be sad. har har :p posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 8:58 PM
Tuesday, December 14, 2004 :: My creativity is being stifled. :: I'm sitting at a computer, and have found to my horror I have 6 missed calls from a girl I'm dead keen on on my handphone, which was switched to silent so I wouldn't disrupt the clean, quiet sterile environment of Sunstream Consultancies (Where I work). I want to lean back and yawn, but I get the feeling that if I do, I'd have to work overtime for a year before my sign of laziness is forgotten. I want to sing, but I'm worried my co-workers will get annoyed. My assignment in front of me is palatable, but I'm worried I've done it wrong, and I wonder if I should go ask my boss how to do it and risk being a pain in the ass, or not ask him and risk pissing him off even further when I get it wrong. This is life for most people. I'm not saying it sucks. My dad does this. He throughly enjoys his work. And I suppose it does have its moments. But Its really not for me. I want to write something that I think will make people will laugh or cry. Not a report on whether a new business in Indonesia will be feasible in light of current economic and political conditions there. A few hundred years after Shakespeare died, his works still live on, to piss off students (I like Shakespeare. The rest of you are barbarians) and thrill literature lovers. In a few hundred years, my report will be outdated, outmoded, and out of mind. At the same time, I realise that without thousands, millions of people like my dad making the world go round, people like me would be on the streets busking with the street musicians (People won't even pay for a song. I can't imagine trying to sell them a short story). No one cares about a free press or the arts if they're worrying about whether they'll be able to afford dinner. So if any of you guys ever get a desk job, forget about creativity. I feel like the time I could have sworn my ex was trying to suffocate me with my pillow (Which nearly got me not because I couldn't breathe, but because the girl was tickling me at the same time). Better hope you're good enough to get a record contract. Because this sure as hell will kill you if you don't like it. So I sit here writing my report. And in a while, I'm gonna sneak off and call that girl before she decides I'm not worth it. posted by Yang @ 1:18 PM
:: Who wants to read it? I sure do! :: I spent almost the whole day finishing the Singapore journal, and now it's complete! forgive the ugly design, just enjoy it for its content! WARNING: Some content might scar you for life :P haha Read it now! posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 1:09 AM
Sunday, December 05, 2004 :: you are my sunshine! hahahahahaahahahahaha ::
if you've been following the news recently, you should know about the story of Sharifah Aini getting sued for defamation of Siti Nurhailiza..firstly, what is wrong with defamation?! Why is it even a crime?! I mean seriously, if someone said something bad about someone does that person deserve to be sent for trial? and secondly, it was through a forwarded email! not a public website or some news conference or on TV, but through an email! according to the defendants, they said that even if the email was forwarded by her, it didn't originate from her pc, and that if she should get sued, so should half the population who forwarded as well! i've yet to read the email, i don't know anybody who got it but i guess it would help me understand the story more if i actually read it, but i can assume it's probably very nasty stuff which would make the public think bad of Siti Nurhailiza- if they chose to believe in it.. But then again, she's a celebrity! and almost all celebrities have been the target of such things and you don't read about them suing people..just dismiss those rumors/insults and get on with your life..i think it's just some scheme to bring their dying careers into the spotlight again..
posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 9:06 PM
:: Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages... :: Who am I? Its a question I've hardly even begun to answer myself truth be told. Sure, I know a lot about myself, but there's a lot more to find out. But I guess I'll start with the basics. Most of my friends call me Yang. Idiot friends who irritate me call me by my first name which I will not say. People who first meet me enjoy making me suffer through the 'Yang/Young' pun, not realising I've heard every joke there is to hear. Lessee...what else. I'm tall. 1.8 the last time I checked. I'm a writer, I write whatever I think people will enjoy or at least interest them. I'll leave it at that. Anything else you wanna know, just talk to me sometime. And here's my opener. I had dinner with an old friend tonight. Knew her in Primary, and just got in touch with her sometime in the middle of the year, so that's what, about a 6 year gap in contact. She's still pretty good looking, like I remembered. And she also makes me smile once in a while. And while having dinner, our discussion drifted to issues of relationships. More specifically, about what we're looking for in that special someone. By the end of dinner, I felt like I'd been worked over by a goon with a monkey wrench and a diploma in human pain points. Mentally anyways. Why? Because by the end of dinner, I realised that I no longer really liked the person my friend was. And it really hurt that much finding out first hand. Maybe I'm being a little harsh here. I intend on becoming a journo, so I have to worry about a little something called 'disclosure'. Basically it just means I'm supposed to reveal to my readers any of my own opinions or biases which might influence what I write. So here's my disclosure. 1. I was made to realise that there was no way in hell this girl would ever go out with me. And that unless she changed, the feeling was 100% mutual. 2. There was some small (really small) part of me that actually thought otherwise. I mean that in the sense that if a friend had come up to me and said, Yang, I can see you and her going out, I'd have shrugged and pretty much agreed. Alright. So I'll leave you to decide whether my writing here was influenced. Now to continue. All the way home, I couldn't stop thinking about some of the things she had told me. She was honest with me, and that I appreciate, in the sense that she really gave me her honest opinion on what she liked in a guy, and what she was looking for. The thing is, if anyone other than her had told me these very same things, I'd have roughed them up for badmouthing her. And what really got me a little depressed, was how shallow and pointless it all seemed. When I say 'all', I mean the games girls and guys play when they're looking for that someone. I'll admit, I play along as well. But the only reason I do, is because I pretty much realise that its part of the whole deal. Just being honest with a girl doesn't really cut it. And that's really disillusioning sometimes. I mean hell, the thrill of the chase, whatever, I enjoy it when I'm at the club, buying a girl a Screwdriver or a Midori Lemon and chatting her up, dancing with her. But when I get home, and I start thinking about how if I didn't put in the effort I'd end up being labelled anti-social, loser or whatever hell else, it just seems so... twisted. Honesty really isn't worth jack. You have to have looks, or you just don't have it. Playing the game works so much better than trying to be different from the rest of the crowd. So I'll leave it at that note. Go think about it a while, and I'm interested, if any girls actually read this thing, to hear your opinion on whether or not you agree, even if only a little. How many of you would actually prefer honesty to our twisted modern day rituals? Truthfully? Because the more I care to learn, the more I discover, that shallow seems the norm, rather than the exception. posted by Yang @ 1:27 AM
Saturday, December 04, 2004 :: speechless :: "Why do you like me George?" a girl in my dream asked me this question through an sms, and for a moment i was befuddled, i didn't know what to say..i mean what was i supposed to say? no words could have justified the feelings that i had for her, but yet she asked me the question..so what did i do? I didn't reply. so then i woke up, and thought, what if it happened in real life george? what would you say then? why do you like her? is it because she's pretty? is it because she has a nice personality? i know many girls who are physically attractive and many girls who have nice personalities, and quite a few with both traits, but why her? everyone else has qualities to match those of her, sometimes they are even better than that special someone, so why her? maybe it was the way i smiled everytime i thought of her maybe it was how i liked the way that her eyes widened whenever we talked about something interesting maybe it was the way the blood raced through my body whenever she was around maybe it was the way she made my mouth want to echo what my heart felt each time i saw her maybe it was because.. i figured you can't really answer a question like that..let alone write it all in an sms message..the next time that special someone asks, i'll just say "I just do" posted by goodnewsgeorge @ 11:26 AM
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